Tim Donovan
Wildlife |
Wildlife and the outdoors have always been Tim's love and creating these images on canvas is his passion. Growing up in Maryland Tim spent his summers on the shores of Solomon's Island by the Chesapeake Bay. As a young boy he experienced a wide diversity of wildlife from otters to ospreys that would both capture his spirit and direct his path.
Tim's love of wildlife was passed down from his father. Tim's dad was a helicopter pilot and would donate his time flying researcher Dr. Scott Ward from the Peregrine Falcon Program to nesting sites for the purpose of counting and banding the birds.
"I can remember having at any given time around the house skunks, raccoons, ferrets and turtles just to name a few. Even as a child I loved the animals form and beauty, I would sculpt birds out of any material I could find."
At the age of twelve Tim started learning the art of taxidermy which he continued for the next thirty years. This working knowledge of the different animals anatomy would prove invaluable for his paintings.
By the age of twenty Tim started sculpting out of wood and in his first competition won a first place and best of show.
Tim did not pursue painting until the age of thirty. Being self taught he wanted more education so he enrolled in college majoring in both art and biology at the University of Texas to become a medical illustrator. After college he apprenticed with artist Matt Zoll owner of "Zoll Studio of Fine Art" being taught how to paint like the old masters. Here he learned how to grind his own pigments and make his own mediums and oils. The two years spent with Matt dramatically changed Tim's work.
Tim is now working primarily in egg tempera. One of the oldest mediums known. He also combines egg tempera with watercolor, qouache and some times oils. This gives his work a unique soft look. In 2006 he started combining egg tempera and acrylics. Tim has had the opportunity to live all across the country from northern California to southern Texas to the mountains of Virginia where he currently resides.
Tim's studio time is filled with painting for major art shows, contest and commission work.
Please Contact Tim if you wish to have more information concerning:
- Purchasing Artwork or Prints - Interviews or Speaking Engagements - Private Lessons or Instruction
Support for Conservation:
Over the last several years his attention has been focused on using his art to support organizations for the preservation of wildlife and their habitat. He has donated his time and art to support various conservation organizations including Ducks Unlimited, Vital Ground and The Timber Wolf Alliance just to name a few.
In 1999 Tim was awarded the coveted Conservation Service Award, by Ducks Unlimited for his outstanding contributions for the preservation of North American Waterfowl. In 2003 he completed the illustration of the book, "Beyond Little Red Riding Hood" for the Timber Wolf Alliance. He is also a two time winner of the Wolf awareness Poster Contest which helps to educate the public nation wide about wolves.
Supporter of · Vital Ground · Timber Wolf Alliance · Ducks Unlimited · Columbus Zoo . Living With Wolves
Special Achievements:
- Awards
-Judges Service Award from Graphic Art Technical Foundation for the Virginia Ducks Unlimited Print in 2001 -Award of Excellence and the Best in Print Award by the Printing Industries of Virginia in 2001 -Conservation Service Award from Ducks Unlimited in 1999
- Contests
-Winner of the Wolf Awareness poster contest 2009 and 2011 -Winner of the Virginia State Duck Stamp for the 2000/2001, 2001/2002 and2006/2007 hunting seasons. -Winner of the Kentucky State Duck Stamp for the 2000/2001 hunting season -Placed in the top 10 at the Federal Duck Stamp contest for 2007 -Placed 5th at the Federal Duck Stamp contest for 2006 -Placed in the top 20 at the Federal Duck Stamp contest for 2002 -Placed in the top 10 at the Federal Duck Stamp contest for 2001 -Winner of the Ohio Duck Stamp contest with a Single Hen Mallard in 1998 -Finalist at the New Hampshire Duck Stamp with a Pair of Wood Ducks in 1997 -Honorable Mention in the Ward World Carving Championships in 1990 -Ducks Unlimited Sponsor Artist of the Year -North Carolina DU (2000, 2001 and 2002) -Kentucky DU 2000 -Virginia DU 2000 and 2001 -West Virginia DU 1999 and 2000 -Canada Ducks Unlimited Art Package 2013 and 2015
- Shows
-Ward World Carving Championships in Ocean City, Maryland 2010-2014 Rappahannock River Watefowl Show in White Stone, Virginia 2009 - 2015 in 2012/Featured Artist -Natureworks Show in Tulsa, Oklahoma 2009 - 2015 -South Eastern Wildlife Expo in Charleston, South Carolina 2001 - 2015 -Easton Waterfowl Festival in Maryland 2005-2007 -Nature on Canvas a one man show in Hunt Valley, Maryland 2005 -Arts In The Ally in Virginia featured artist 2004 -Birds In Art 2004 and 2009 -Art of the West 2003
All rights reserved. All images and text © Copyright 2024 Tim Donovan - Member of the Artists for Conservation Foundation (Formerly
the Worldwide Nature Artists Group) www.natureartists.com.
This site represents the original artwork (nature art and wildlife art) of nature
artist and wildlife artist of Tim Donovan and is protected by international copyright laws. Use
of nature art, wildlife art or any other images or text from this site, requires
permission in writing from Tim Donovan (Donovan Art Paintings).
This site is part of the Artists for Conservation (AFC) Web site. (Wildlife
Art - Nature Art - Conservation) Artists for Conservation is an international, non-profit organization dedicated to
nature art, wildlife art and conservation. On this site you will find world-class
nature art and wildlife art by today's leading nature artists & wildlife artists.
The AFC site is the Web's premier location for nature art, wildlife
All content appearing in pages featuring Tim Donovan is the sole responsibility of Tim Donovan. The opinions expressed on these artists' pages are those of Tim Donovan and do not necessarily reflect those of the Artists for Conservation
Foundationi (AFC).