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Birds and mammals in their natural environment
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Spending much of his early life in his native England, it was during these formative years that he nurtured his obvious talent. Drawing and painting became his passion and a brush and pencil were constantly at hand. Even in his primary school days the teachers were quick to notice his ability to sketch and draw. It was also a time when he first showed an interest in wildlife, a bird happily chirping outside a classroom window was far more interesting than other subjects. Not surprising then that he would combine his artistic ability with his love of animals. Although he would paint just about anything wildlife subjects were a real source of inspiration. A robin sitting on a garden fork or a squirrel collecting nuts were just two of the many creatures Pat portrayed. Visits to the local zoo were eagerly awaited and gave the young budding artist a chance to view the more exotic animals and birds. Eventually a tiger, lion, cheetah, rhino' or zebra would have their portrait painted by Pat. Many have even had a face to face encounter with this likable artist.

A self-taught artist he spent much of his early working life as a draftsman and technical illustrator. Developing a style greatly influenced by the traditional or realist style his work is characterized by a meticulous attention to fine detail. He has exhibited successfully over the years with subjects as diverse as land & seascapes, portraits, still-life. However it is the demanding field of wildlife art that has challenged and inspired Pat to produce the fine art works he is famous for.

Having traveled extensively Pat moved to Australia where he continued to sketch, paint and exhibit his work. Although the unique wildlife of Australia became a new source of inspiration, it was the animals and birds found in the America's, Europe, Africa and Asia that really interested him. It was an association with Sydney's famous Taronga Zoo and the NSW parks & Wildlife Foundation that lead to a 1981 one-man show at the zoo. Titled "Africa – Art and the Animals" it featured his beautiful oil paintings and unique pen & ink illustrations. The exhibition achieved the dual purpose of showing his work and an opportunity to raise funds for wildlife and the environment. Others shows have followed, many of which have raised valuable funds for International organization such as WWF. His work is represented in private and corporate collections in Europe, United States, Japan and Australia.

Apart from exhibitions and commissions Pat has produced work for a number of publications, from scientific and educational to a number of children's books. In 1989 he was commissioned by a Sydney publisher to illustrate a large format book titled "Australia's Endangered Wildlife". It was a project close to his heart and one which gave him a great deal of pleasure and pride. A cartoon character "Koogee Koala" was created by Pat and turned into a children's book in 1996.

Not just an artist Pat's ability and versatility shines through in his writing and over the years he has produced numerous articles and short stories both fictional and non-fiction. He produced the catalogue for his 1981 exhibition at Taronga Zoo, a publication that not only included a detailed account of each species but also an insight into their conservation status. Always willing to turn his hand to a worthwhile cause Pat has been a vocal advocate for conservation both in his writing and art work.

It was his passion for animal and his love of cats which gave him the opportunity to write and show his work throughout the world. For many years he has worked on producing a book on cats, not just another publication on the subject, but something really special and unique, "THE ART OF WILD CATS - The Paintings and Illustrations of PATRICK WATSON" is that book.

The above project paved the for a similar book he is now working on with America's oldest university press Johns Hopkins. Titled "Small Wild Cats: The Animal Answer Guide" it will be co-written and will feature a number of the artists illustrations and paintings.

Pat continues to look for subjects to paint and write about and above all he will continue to work to save the world's wildlife and their fragile habitat.

Regarding original artwork and prints for sale by the artist Pat Watson. Some art work is being sold using my bio info under the name 'Watson' or others. Please note it's important to check before purchasing any art work.

Support for Conservation:
Special Achievements:
  • 1997 - The Cat Exhibition
    Adele's Gallery of Fine Art - Canterbury, Vic, Australia
    Exhibition to raise funds for wildlife
  • 1993 - Artists for Life show
    Taronga Zoo - Mosman, NSW, Australia
    Fund raiser for wildlife
  • 1992 - African Wildlife Show
    Duke of Wellington Gallery - Mosman, NSW, Australia
    Fund raiser for WWF Australia
  • 1991 - A Winter Exhibition
    Silver Saddle Fine Art Gallery - Seaforth, NSW, Australia
    Funds raised for WIRES NSW
  • 1991 - Australian Endangered Wildlife
    Allenwood Art Centre - Bomaderry, NSW, Australia
    Touring exhibition, paintings and illustration from the book
    Australian Endangered Wildlife.
  • 1990 - Australian Endangered Wildlife
    Duke of Wellington Gallery - Mosman, NSW, Australia
    Book launch and exhibition.
  • 1981 - Africa - Art and the Animals
    Taronga Zoo - Mosman, NSW, Australia
    Fund raiser for Taronga Zoo and the NSW parks and Wildlife Foundation
  • 1995 - Chichibu City Hall - Japan
    Painting titled "Meeting Place" show's a group of Eastern Rosella's on farm machinery. This work was presented to the major of Chichibu Dr Zenichi Uchida by the Rainbow Group from Warringah, Sydney, Australia.
  • 1981 - Taronga Zoo - Australia
    Paintings donated to the zoo by the artist at the end of the "Africa - Art and the animals" exhibition.
  • 1980 - NSW Parks & Wildlife Foundation - Australia
    Commissioned painting of a Lord Howe Island woodhen.
  • 1978 - Philips Corporation - Holland
    Painting of a North American wood duck titled "Out of the Reeds" purchased by Philips as a gift.
  • 1969 - Sperry Rand Corporation - UK
    Painting of a red fox in the snow.
  • 1967 - Siba Electric / J Lucas Ltd - UK
    Painting presented to the Managing Director show's a pair of Otter's playing in the river.
  • SMALL WILD CATS, The Animal Answer Guide (2011)
    More about SMALL WILD CATS, The Animal Answer Guide
    Coauthored, illustratored and produced the publication for Johns Hopkins University Press - SMALL WILD CATS, The Animal Answer Guide is the first book on the subject of small wild cats and features illustrations, diagrams and numerous photos of the various species of small cats. The book is a fascinating insight into the lives of these unique felines many of which are both rare and endangered.
    Author: James G. Sanderson and Patrick Watson
    Published by: Johns Hopkins University Press
  • Macquarie - My First / Junior Dictonary and Thesaurus. (1997)
    Produce four cover paintings - Full color paintings of endangered native wildlife produced for each book.
    Published by: Jacaranda Wiley
  • Koogee Koala (1996)
    Conceived and illustrated book - Hard and soft cover editions produced of this colorful children's book. Fully illustrated throughout.
    Author: Margaret Hermes
    Published by: Murray Child
  • Australian Endangered Wildlife (1990)
    Produce the paintings and pen & ink illustrations - The artists was commissioned by a Sydney publisher to illustrate a large format book. Taking just over 18 months to complete it was launched with an exhibition at the end of 1990.
    Author: Neil Hermes
    Published by: Child & Associates
  • The story of Kurri Kurri the Kookaburra (1988)
    Produced the color and pen & ink illustrations - Hard cover children's book by Australian author Leslie Reed
    Author: Leslie Reed
    Published by: Child & Associates
  • Africa - Art and the Animals (1981)
    Produced text, paintings and illustrations - Book contained paintings and pen & ink illustrations from the exhibition at Taronga Zoo
    Author: Pat Watson
    Published by: Pat Watson
Organization Membership:

Direct Correspondence to:Pat Watson
Pat Watson
c/o Wildlife Portraits
PO Box 3516
Helensvale Town Centre, Queensland
Australia 4212
Tel: 61 7 5580 5037
  Artists for Conservation Group
Email: wildlifeportraits@gmail.com
Home Page: Pat Watson's Latest Website
Pat Watson Pat Watson

All rights reserved. All images and text © Copyright 2025 Pat Watson - Member of the Artists for Conservation Foundation (Formerly the Worldwide Nature Artists Group) www.natureartists.com. This site represents the original artwork
(nature art and wildlife art) of nature artist and wildlife artist
of Pat Watson and is protected by international copyright laws.
Use of nature art, wildlife art or any other images or text from this site, requires permission in writing from Pat Watson (Wildlife Portraits).

This site is part of the Artists for Conservation (AFC) Web site. (Wildlife Art - Nature Art - Conservation) Artists for Conservation is an international, non-profit organization dedicated to nature art, wildlife art and conservation. On this site you will find world-class nature art and wildlife art by today's leading nature artists & wildlife artists. The AFC site is the Web's premier location for nature art, wildlife artists All content appearing in pages featuring Pat Watson is the sole responsibility of Pat Watson. The opinions expressed on these artists' pages are those of Pat Watson and do not necessarily reflect those of the Artists for Conservation Foundationi (AFC).