Pacific Pygmy Octopus (Paroctopus digueti), Chocolata Clams (Tivela planulata), California Venus Clams (Chione californiensis) - Painting - Nature Art by Martha Thompson

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More than a  Pile of Clams - Pacific Pygmy Octopus (Paroctopus digueti), Chocolata Clams (Tivela planulata), California Venus Clams (Chione californiensis) by Martha Thompson
  More than a Pile of Clams 
Subject: Pacific Pygmy Octopus (Paroctopus digueti), Chocolata Clams (Tivela planulata), California Venus Clams (Chione californiensis)
Dimensions (inches): 7.5 x 12
Medium: Watercolor
Description: In San Carlos, Sonora, Mexico, where we dive frequently, we used to find chocolata clams in abundance in certain bays. Over the years, hookah divers have eliminated that resource where we used to see them. Nowadays we seem to find them only far from populated areas. It happened in 2012, when we were traveling on our boat in the northern Gulf of California; we found a very pristine bay with lots of chocolata clams! We decided to dig up a few for dinner and as we were opening them, one of the clams was actually the home of a Pacific Pygmy Octopus! Pacific Pygmy Octopuses are known for inhabiting clam shells, old soda and beer bottles, etc. Intriguing and smart. Seeing an octopus on a dive or in an unexpected place is always a great experience.

En San Carlos, Sonora, México, donde buceamos frecuentemente, solíamos encontrar almejas chocolatas en abundancia en ciertas bahías. Al paso de los años, buzos comerciales han eliminado este recurso donde solíamos verlas. Hoy en día parece que las encontramos solo en lugares lejos de áreas pobladas. Sucedió en el 2012, cuando andábamos de viaje en nuestro barco en el alto Golfo de California; encontramos una bahía muy prístina con muchas chocolatas! Decidimos sacar unas para la cena y cuando las estábamos abriendo, una de las conchas de almeja resultó ser el hogar de un pulpo pigmeo del pacífico! Los pulpos pigmeos del pacífico son conocidos por habitar conchas de almejas, botes viejos de soda y cerveza, etc. Intrigantes y listos. Ver un pulpo en un buceo o en un lugar inesperado es siempre un gran experiencia.
Original Available For Sale: Yes
Price: $1,500.00 US

Limited Edition Available: Yes
Details: Limited Edition
Edition Size: 200
Price: $150.00 US

Conservation Committment: 15% (Artist commits to donating the indicated portion of proceeds to conservation)
This artwork is dedicated to: CEDO Intercultural  


Direct Correspondence to:Martha Thompson
Martha Thompson

Tucson, AZ
Tel: 520-869-1392
  Artists for Conservation Group
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