HarlanAFC Celebrate the Beauty of Nature in Oil Paintings
Parrot Tulips
Subject: Parrot Tulips Dimensions (inches): 30 x 40 x 1.5 Medium: Oil on Canvas Description: Parrot Tulips or the 'I hate Pink' painting. Pink isn't my favorite color and doing primarily monochromatic paintings is a challenge in and of itself. Here I provided myself with two challenges. I loved the shape of these flowers! Doing this painting proved far less frustrating than I had anticipated, it was actually a pleasure to paint. This is one of my favorites!
Original Available For Sale:
Price: $5,000.00 US
Limited Edition Available:
Details: Giclee reproductions available. Please email artist or visit artist's website.
Conservation Committment: 5% (Artist commits to donating the indicated portion of proceeds to conservation)