red-winged blackbird; yellowthroat - Painting - Nature Art by Robert Bateman

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Robert BatemanRobert McLellan Bateman   O.C., O.B.C., R.C.A., D.F.A., D. Litt., D. Sc., LL.D., B.A., SAA, AFC Robert Bateman
Wildlife Paintings and Conservation
Redwings & Yellowthroat - red-winged blackbird; yellowthroat by Robert Bateman
  Redwings & Yellowthroat  (2010)
Subject: red-winged blackbird; yellowthroat
Dimensions (inches): 24 x 72
Medium: oil on canvas
Description: We are lucky enough to live near a small lake. The shore is surrounded by a swamp with an apron of rushes, yellow water lilies and irises.

The favourite thing of the majority of people is to sit on a beach by a lake or ocean. This is not my favourite thing. I prefer swamps and marshes because of the rich diversity of wildlife. We have fish, beavers, muskrats and otters but the life that is the most evident is the bird life. This includes wintering ducks and breeding mallards and hooded mergansers. We also see and hear pie-billed grebes and Virginia rails. But the commonest vocals come from the redwinged blackbirds. In early summer families of redwings cavort among the lily pads and rushes. As I paddle my canoe I hear the northern yellowthroat more often than I see him.

In this painting I chose to leave out the obvious adult male redwings. After all, most of the birds are either females or young and I did not want to distract from the banquet for the eye one finds at the edge of a marsh.
Original Available For Sale: No

Limited Edition Available: No


Direct Correspondence to:Robert Bateman
Robert Bateman
PO Box 115 Fulford Harbour
Salt Spring Island, British Columbia
Canada V8K 2P2
  Artists for Conservation Group
Robert Bateman Robert Bateman

All rights reserved. All images and text © Copyright  Robert Bateman
Member of the Artists for Conservation Foundation