Karen Fischbein - Underwater Photography

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Karen FischbeinKaren Fischbein   BA, BS, MS, AFC, PCAA Karen Fischbein
Underwater Photography
Reef/Wreck Scenes
Sea Creatures
Earth Concerns
Up Close and Personal
Tornadoes of Fish
Underwater bait balls are a phenomenon of nature. Whirling in a uncontrollable frenzy they do resemble "tornadoes".
Cayman Brac 2012
The Cayman Islands is home to beautiful reefs and amazing marine life. Its reefs are home to groupers, parrotfish, buterfly fish and exquisite soft and hard corals. Unfortunately, the lion fish invasion has also become part of the underwater world here.
Goliath Grouper Aggregation
Each year during late summer and early autumn the Goliath Grouper, previously known as the "Jew Fish", spawn off the coast of Southeast Florida. Their enormous size, large numbers and behavioral displays are one of the most wondrous events in the surreal realm of the underwater world.
Galapagos Islands
A look at the incredible inhabitants of the reefs of the Galapagos Islands.
Sometimes, you just have to stop and take a photo above the water.

Direct Correspondence to:Karen Fischbein
Karen Fischbein
c/o KSEA Underwater Photography and Digital Imaging
278 Kelsey Park Circle
Palm Beach Gardens, FL
USA 33410
Tel: 772-285-9123
Fax: ‭+1 (561) 812-3620‬
  Artists for Conservation Group
Email: parrotfisch2@gmail.com
Home Page: http://www.fantaseasbykc.com
Karen Fischbein Karen Fischbein

All rights reserved. All images and text © Copyright  Karen Fischbein
Member of the Artists for Conservation Foundation www.natureartists.com.