Casual Balance
Subject: Eastern Chipmunk
Dimensions (inches): 9.5 x 7.5
Medium: Oil on Prepared Panel
Description: * This original painting is available for sale through Buckingham Fine Art. Inquiries can be made by telephone: 905 - 852 - 6874, or by e-mail: wayne@buckinghamfineart.com SOLD
I find mysel being open to observation, even when I am not consciously directing myself to be so. The oddly stacked sections of an old pine caught my attention even as I set about getting the mail from a rural communal box. *Where we live out on the lake, there is no door to door mail delivery. Instead, along the roadside, a five minute walk or so from the studio, is a communal mailbox with a number of small compartments, each designated to a different resident, and each requiring a key to open. Well, beyond the mailbox, and between the lake, is a narrow strip of woods belonging to one of my neighbours. At some point he had been clearing out deadfalls, and for some reason that I still have not found out about, he had cut very short, uneven lengths from a dead pine, and had left them stacked in somewhat precarious fashion. The oddity of it struck me immediately, and with the evening light adding to the atmosphere it was an impression that really stayed with me. The addition of the chipmunk came about in a very casual, natural way, simply be observing its presence very close to the same location. By the time I got around to doing the painting, the cut sections were no longer there, and I proceeded with the painting partly by memory, and partly by reconstructing from other pieces of similar physical reference.
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