Subject: Gypsy Man and his dog Dimensions (inches): 7 x 5 Medium: Oil on Prepared Panel Description: The subject for this painting was observed in the city of Arles, France, just inside the entrance of a narrow side street that accessed the central square. Here, beyond the hive of activity and bustle was a moment condusive to quiet comtemplation of inner thoughts. This was made all the more possible by the watchful proximity of his four-footed companion, who undoubtedly would warn of the approach of any stranger. In 'Gypsy' I pushed the thread of this idea as far as I could, placing the dog between any observer and his master. With his gaze directed straight at the viewer, there is little doubt of the dog's unwavering diligence. As a last touch, I added an arched shadow into the space at upper right, hoping to enhance the idea of a protective space. This shape was inspired by observing its real-life counterpart in the many access points of the old Roman coliseum just a couple streets away.
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Michael Dumas c/o Michael Dumas
7 Grantsville Trail Lakehurst, Ontario
Canada K0L 1J0 Tel: