Downy Woodpecker
Dimensions (inches): 10 x 10 Medium: Oil on Linen Description: Artist's Comment: 'Between pecking on trees, woodpeckers plummet and glide to the next tree. it's something that any observant naturalist has seen, but capturing it in paint is something I hadn't seen done before. By studying the Downy and Hairy Woodpeckers that frequent the suet feeder outside my studio window, I was able complete this simple, yet difficult painting. The use of brush-strokes here (as in most of my paintings) helps convey a sense of motion.'
Original Available For Sale:
Limited Edition Available:
Direct Correspondence to:
Jay Johnson c/o
23 Highland Street South Hamilton, MA
USA 01982 Tel: (978) 468-3286 Fax: 978-468-3286