Subject: Otters - River Otters
Dimensions (inches): 16 x 14
Medium: Scratchboard
Description: I truly had the most amazing experience while photographing in the Hoh Rainforest of northwestern Washington state. And this is the culmination of that adventure. I had gone to look for leaping, migrating salmon, but not finding any, I decided to walk a little ways downstream. As I was standing there taking photos, something caught the corner of my eye. It was a mother river otter and her two juvenile pups. Standing VERY still (I didn't dare move a muscle), I just kept the camera snapping away, while warily she and the youngsters swam, ate, and sunbathed on the cliffs across the river from where I stood. The noise of the water masked the sounds of the camera. She managed to find them a large salmon in the pool below the waterfally, and it was comical to watch as the one juve tried to figure out just how one goes about trying to bite such a large slippery surface. I kept expecting my camera card to fill, but when they finally left after stashing their leftovers under a rock in the river (and figuring that I took one shot every 3 seconds, it was 45 minutes later!!) I looked to find that I only had 2 shots left on the card!! It was far and away one of the most amazing afternoons I will ever have in my life. Playful, curious, and very family oriented, I knew that one day, I would have to record my impressions from that day.
Original Available For Sale:
Limited Edition Available:
Details: Collection of the artist. Please contact the artist for pricing information for giclee prints. Edition Size: 150
