Larry McQueen
 Bird paintings and illustration in watercolor and oil |
Subject: Birds of Peru
Dimensions (inches): 21 x 13
Medium: watercolor
Description: This plate of water birds was prepared for a book on the birds of Paracas, Peru. The book never materialized, as plans for it were overshadowed by work on the 'Birds of Peru' project. This was my very first plate depicting any Peruvian avifauna.
DUCKS Southern Pochard (2 figs), Andean Duck (2 figs), Cinnamon Teal (2 figs), Blue-winged Teal (2 figs), Puna Teal, White-cheeked Pintail, and Yellow-billed Pintail.
RAILS, COOTS Virginia Rail, (adult and immature), Plumbeous Rail, Common Moorhen (adult and head of immature), American Coot (head), Red-fronted Coot, Azure Gallinule (adult and immature).
GREBES, Great Grebe (plumages Alternate and Basic), White-tufted Grebe (plumages Alternate and Juvenile), Pied-billed Grebe (plumages Alternate and Basic).
Original Available For Sale:
Price: $1,200.00 US
Limited Edition Available:
Details: Full-size Giclée print on watercolor paper. Edition Size: 30 Price: $100.00 US Conservation Committment: 5% (Artist commits to donating the indicated portion of proceeds to conservation)
This artwork is dedicated to: McKenzie River Trust
