Judy ScotchfordAFC African subjects, Childrens Portraits, Cultural portraits & wi
Turkana Beauty
Dimensions (centimeters): 45 x 35 Medium: Mixed Description: Young Turkana woman from the Samburu reserve in Kenya. I met this beautiful young woman when she came with a small group of dancers to entertain the tourists at Samburu Serena Lodge. The group had walked 20 kilometers and I was the only tourist to watch them that day. Nevertheless, they graciously insisted on doing their whole dance program for me. The Turkana people are an offshoot of the Jie tribe of Uganda and are traditionally associated with Lake Turkana. Most of the Turkana women I met wore these distinctive earings and also wore a long leather apron decorated with beads and cowrie shells and a beaded belt and bangles.
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Direct Correspondence to:
Judy Scotchford c/o Judy Scotchford
43 Margaret Cres. Wakerley
Brisbane, Queensland
Australia 4154 Tel: 07-33904527