Judy ScotchfordAFC African subjects, Childrens Portraits, Cultural portraits & wi
Pokot Elegance
Subject: Pokot Woman, Kenya Dimensions (centimeters): 59 x 39 Description: I met this woman at Ereri multi-cultural village, near Sweetwaters in Kenya. There are three tribal groups in this small village. The Pokot people are generally pastoralists who herd cattle, sheep and goats and are usually found north of Lake Baringo, Kenya. The woman,s traditional costume consists of a series of flat necklaces made of Doum palm edged with red and yellow beads and leather decorated sparingly with beadwork designs. The richness of beads and decorations demonstrate the affluence of the husband. The pokot women seem to prefer the concentric circle patterning of the beadwork on their necklaces. These women also wear large coiled metal earings which they tie down with chinstraps from their long-tailed beaded headpiece.
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Direct Correspondence to:
Judy Scotchford c/o Judy Scotchford
43 Margaret Cres. Wakerley
Brisbane, Queensland
Australia 4154 Tel: 07-33904527