During the months of September through November 2010, David Gallup will join an award-winning documentary film team as part of their Channel Islands of California high definition documentary film project. Find out more...
David C. GallupOAS, AFC Art of the Deep
Amber Serenade (2006) Moonrise over the Malibu Bird Sanctuary
16 x 20
Oil on Birch Ply
Flowers in the Field (2006) Plein-air artists working at a paint-out hosted by California Art Club
7.5 x 7.5
Oil on Birch Ply
Gentle Light (2005) Ocean Nocturne
10 x 8
Oil on Canvas Panel
Steady Rain on the Caney Fork (2006) Rock Island, Tennessee
10 x 10
Oil on Birch Ply
Bioluminescence (2004) Nocturne, Red Tide Bioluminescence
22 x 28
Oil on Linen
Original Available
"Incoming Swell" (2009) U. S. Channel Islands Seascape, Anacapa
10 x 10
Oil on Canvas