Chris McClelland - Wildlife drawings African/Australian animals with intricate detail

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Chris McClellandChris David McClelland   AFC, SAA, WASA, QWASI, AGRA Chris McClelland
Wildlife drawings African/Australian animals with intricate detail
Visit Chris McClelland's Latest Website
Australian Artwork
Chris managed a large sheep Station running 40,000 sheep in the outback of NSW, Australia for the last 30 years. His observation, while on the Station, gave him a big understanding of the wildllfie that was living on the station. He was also involved with Bird Atlas of Australia keeping an eye on bird numbers.
African Artwork
Chris travelled to Africa with Margie and his daughter Miranda in 1994. His passion was kindled after travelling through East Africa and seeing animals in the wild. Even thought he was recognised at school as a talented artist it wasn't until this trip that he started to draw African animals in his own style of fine detail.
African Safari Lodges & Animal
Over the last ten years Chris has been asked to draw some African Safari Lodges in Zimbabwe, Botswana and South Africa. To show people what could be seen around these lodges Chris made a montage with animals so people could have a feel about what they could possibly see there.

Direct Correspondence to:Chris McClelland
Chris McClelland
c/o Chris McClelland Fine Art
P.O. Box 56
Hay, NSW
Australia 2711
Tel: 61-(0)2-6993-4264
  Artists for Conservation Group
Home Page: Chris McClelland's Latest Website
Chris McClelland Chris McClelland

All rights reserved. All images and text © Copyright  Chris McClelland
Member of the Artists for Conservation Foundation