Tanchou Duet (2011) Japanese Red-crowned Crane;Grus Japonensis;Tanchou(JP)
6 x 5
Acrylic on Linen
Ltd. Edition Available Pledge Amt: 10%
to International Crane Foundation
Vineyard Equinox: Great Horned Owl (2010) Great horned Owl; Bubo virginianus
4.1 x 8
Walnut Oil on Linen
Ltd. Edition Available Pledge Amt: 5%
to International Crane Foundation
Chogenbo at Tenryuji (2008) Eurasian Kestrel;Chogenbo; Falco tinnunculus
16 x 13.25
Watercolor on paper
Original Available
In the Realm of the Sora (2009) Sora Rail; Porzana carolina
23 x 17
Walnut Oil on Panel
Ltd. Edition Available Pledge Amt: 5%
to International Crane Foundation
Osprey at Nest: Baja (2008) Osprey nest with young in Mexico
30 x 22
Watercolor/Acrylic on Whatman paper
Ltd. Edition Available Pledge Amt: 5%
to International Crane Foundation
From My Winter Window: Varied Thrushes (2013) Varied Trushes in winter: Ixoreus naevius
20 x 24
Acrylic on Gesso (real) Panel
Original Available Pledge Amt: 5%
to International Crane Foundation
Ootaka at Rishiri Fuji (2007) Japanese Goshawk;Accipiter gentilis
22 x 30
Watercolor on paper
Original Available
(2008) Blue Rock Thrush; Iso-hiyodori;Monticola solitarius
410 x 337
Watercolor on Whatman Paper
Original Available Pledge Amt: 5%
to International Crane Foundation
Sankochou At Nest- Kyushu (2004) Japanese Paradise Flycatcher at nest_Terpsiphone atrocaudata_Jp.''Sankochou''
16 x 14
Watercolor on Paper
Original Available
Guam Micronesian Kingfishers (2005) Guam Micronesian Kingfisher;Todiramphus cinnamomina
20 x 24
Acrylic Tempera on Gesso(real) Panel
Ltd. Edition Available Pledge Amt: 20%
to International Crane Foundation
Hooded Cranes: Nabezuru (2003) Hooded Crane ;Grus monarchus;(Jp. Nabezuru)
22 x 30
Oil on Linen
Ltd. Edition Available Pledge Amt: 5%
to International Crane Foundation
White-headed Woodpeckers at Nest (2001) White-headed Woodpeckers;Picoides albolarvatus
20 x 16
Watercolor/Acrylic on Board
Ltd. Edition Available Pledge Amt: 5%
to International Crane Foundation
Mozu (2007) Bull-headed Shrike;Mozu (JP); Lanius bucephalus
16 x 20
Watercolor on Whatman Paper
Quite Early One Morning: Blue and White Flycatcher (2008) Blue and White Flycatcher; Cyanoptila cyanomelana;O-ruri(JP)
410 x 337
Watercolor on Whatman paper
Takuhatsu no Nabezuru: Hooded Cranes (2006) Hooded Crane; Nabezuru (Jp.);Grus monachus
34 x 36
Oil on Linen
Ltd. Edition Available
Hayabusa and Tageri: Nukisan (2011) Peregrine Falcon;Hayabusa;Falco peregrinus/Northern Lapwing;Vanellus vanellus
26.25 x 40.5
Watercolor/Acrylic on Paper
Original Available Pledge Amt: 5%
to International Crane Foundation
Over Eola (2015) Barn Owl over Oregon Vineyard
32 x 48
Walnut Oil on Linen
Deshutes Canyon Magpies Magpies, Mt. Hood, Deshutes River Canyon, Spring landscape.
38 x 40
Oil on Linen
Ltd. Edition Available
Nabezuru at Yashiro, Japan (2004) Hooded Cranes in flight;Grus monarchus;(Jp.Nabezuru)
30 x 22
Watercolor on Paper
Original Available Pledge Amt: 5%
to International Crane Foundation
Sandhill Cranes Dancing: Oregon (2001) Sandhill Cranes; Grus canadensis
36 x 48
Acrylic on Gesso Panel
Ltd. Edition Available Pledge Amt: 5%
to International Crane Foundation
Sandhill Cranes:Sauvie Island (2002) Sandhill Cranes; Grus canadensis
42 x 60
Acrylic on Cradled Canvas Panel
American Egret Hunting (1995) Great Egret (Casmerodius alba)
26 x 42
Oil on Linen
Ltd. Edition Available Pledge Amt: 5%
to International Crane Foundation
March-Great Blue Heron (2005) Great Blue Heron -Ardea herodias
16 x 20
Oil on Linen
Original Available Pledge Amt: 5%
to International Crane Foundation
Tanchou Lovers: Hokkaido (2002) Japanese Red-crowned Cranes; Grus japonensis
30 x 40
Oil on Linen
Ltd. Edition Available Pledge Amt: 5%
to International Crane Foundation
Little Terns Japan (2008) Little Terns attending young
9 x 12.75
Watercolor on Paper
Tanchou Mandala (2001) Japanese Red-crowned Cranes;Grus japonesis
50 x 60
Oil on Linen
Original Available Ltd. Edition Available Pledge Amt: 10%
to International Crane Foundation
Willamette Valley Kestels-Spring (1999) American Kestrels (Falco sparverius)
20 x 30
Acrylic on Cradled Gesso Panel with Oak Frame
Oregon Jays (1999) Gray Jay;Perisoreus canadensis
30 x 32
Oil on Linen
Grey Heron-Oita Japan (2005) Grey Heron-(Jp. Aosagi ) -Ardea cinerea
16 x 12
Oil on Linen
Harrier and Horned Larks:Malheur (2002) Northern Harrier (Circus cyaneus);Horned Lark (Eremophila alpestris)
22 x 48
Acrylic on Cradled Gesso Panel
Original Available Pledge Amt: 5%
to International Crane Foundation
Marbled Godwits at Cascade Head (1983) Marbled Godwits, Cascade Head Oregon Coast
46 x 48
Oil on Linen
Bantails and Marten (1998) Band-tailed Pigeon (Columba fasciata) and Western Pine Marten (Martes)
32 x 24
Oil on Linen
Barn Swallows at Nest (1992) Barn Swallows, Adults and Young; Hirundo rustica
12 x 24
Acrylic on Cradled Gesso Panel
Ltd. Edition Available Pledge Amt: 5%
to International Crane Foundation
Manazuru:Song of the Earth (2006) White-naped Cranes; Grus vipio;Manazuru Jp.
48 x 50
Oil on Linen
Original Available Pledge Amt: 5%
to International Crane Foundation
Tufted Puffins Courtship: Oregon Coast (2003) Tufted Puffin ;Lunda cirrhata;(Jp. Etopirika)
22 x 30
Watercolor/Acrylic on paper
Ltd. Edition Available Pledge Amt: 5%
to International Crane Foundation
Kawasemi: Kyushu (2004) Japanese Common Kingfisher; Alcedo atthis; (Jp.''Kawasemi'')
25.5 x 17.75
Acrylic on Gesso Panel
Original Available Pledge Amt: 5%
to International Crane Foundation
Western Tanangers (1995) Western Tanangers pair (Piranga ludoviciana) in Douglas Fir
11 x 15
Watercolor on paper
Coast Steller's Jays:Tillamook (2005) Steller's Jays; Cyanocitta stellerii
22 x 30
Watercolor/Acrylic on paper
Blue Pirates (2002) Scrub Jays;Aphelocoma coerulescens
17 x 27
Acrylic on Gesso Panel
Ruri-bitaki in Spring:Japan (2004) Red-flanked Bluetail;Tarsiger cyanurus;Ruri-bitaki JP.
18 x 23.5
Acrylic on Panel
Demoiselle Cranes in Spring (2006) Demoiselle Cranes; Anthropoides virgo
26 x 36
Ltd. Edition Available Pledge Amt: 5%
to International Crane Foundation
Texas Trilogy (1998) Texas State Bird(Mimus polyglottos),Tree(Pecan),and Flower(Blue Bonnet).
36 x 48
Acrylic on Cradled Gesso Panel
Ltd. Edition Available Pledge Amt: 5%
to International Crane Foundation
Hermits Bathing: Arima (1981) Guy's White-tailed Hermit Hummingbird:(Phaethornis guy)
22 x 14
Arcrylic on Board
Warbler Hybrids I (1985) Intergeneric and Interspacific N.A. Warbler Hybrids
22 x 14
Watercolor & Gouache on Board
Warbler Hybrids II (1984) Intergeneric and Interspacific N.A. Warbler Hybrids II
22 x 14
Watercolor and Gouache on Board
Horned Owl and Young:Western Oregon Great Horned Owl at Nest with 2 Young( Bubo virginianus obscurus)
26 x 42
Oil on Cradled Gesso Panel
Ltd. Edition Available Pledge Amt: 5%
to International Crane Foundation
Prairie Falcon with Young (1980) Prairie Falcon; Falco mexicanus
16 x 24
Egg Tempera on Panel
Jaegers Pursuing A Tern (1981) Parasitic Jaegers(Stercorarius parasiticus);Arctic Tern (Sterna paradisaea)
40 x 48
Oil on linen
Loon Family: Minnesota (2003)
60 x 58
Oil on Linen
Dowitchers at Clatsop Spit: Oregon (1998) Long-billed Dowitchers in flight; Limnodromus Scolopaceus
24 x 46
Oil on Linen
Original Available Ltd. Edition Available Pledge Amt: 5%
to International Crane Foundation
Morning Mist: Loon Family (1999) Common Loon- Adults and Young, Gavia immer; Minnesota
20 x 30
Acrylic on Cradled Gesso Panel
Ltd. Edition Available Pledge Amt: 5%
to International Crane Foundation
Resting Cooper Hawk:Oregon (2003) Adult Cooper's Hawk;Accipiter cooperii
30 x 24
Oil on Linen
Black Turnstones: Neskowin Oregon (1997) Black Turnstone;Arenaria melanocephala
22 x 30
Japanese Wagtail-Kyoto Onigawara (2004) Japanese Wagtail, Motacilla grandis,(Seguro-sekirei Jp.)
14 x 17
Watercolor on paper
Spring Ruffed Grouse:Tillamook Oregon (1994) Strutting Ruffed Grouse,Bonasa umbellus sabinii
22 x 30
Watercolor on paper
Original Available Pledge Amt: 5%
to International Crane Foundation
Black Brant: Coos Bay (2001) Black Brant;Brant bernicla nigricans
30 x 38
Oil on Linen
Black Oystercatchers at Oceanside Oregon (2004) Black Oystercatchers on the Oregon Coast; Haematropus bachmani
26 x 60
Acrylic on Cradled Gesso Panel with Oak Frame
Original Available Pledge Amt: 5%
to International Crane Foundation
Harlequin Ducks:Nature Conservancy Stamp (1986) Harlequin Ducks;Histrionicus histrionicus
16 x 12
Acrylic on Gesso Panel
Mergansers Rising: Nehalem River (1992) Common Mergansers; Mergus merganser
36 x 72
Oil on linen
Summer Song:Northern Cardinal (2005) Northern Cardinal male;Cardinalis cardinalis/Trumpet vine;Campsis radicans
16 x 20
Acrylic on gesso panel (realgesso)
Ltd. Edition Available Pledge Amt: 5%
to International Crane Foundation
Bluebirds:Maupin,Oregon (2002) Mountain Bluebirds; Sialia currucoides
20 x 16
Pinyon Jays: Tumalo Oregon (1998) Pinyon Jays;Gymnorhinus cyanocephalus
17 x 27
Acrylic on Panel
Equanimity (2002) Long-eared Owl in Oregon,(Asio otus)
42 x 28
Acrylic on Cradled Canvas Panel
Young Peregrine Falcon: Cape Lookout (2001) Young Peregine Falcon; Falco peregrinus pealei
28 x 48
Acrylic on Gesso Panel
Hen Goshawk at Nest (1996) Northern Goshawk; Accipiter gentilis
18 x 20
Watercolor on Paper
(2006) American Bittern;Botaurus lentiginosus/Pacific Tree Frog
12 x 16
Oil on Linen
Common Nighthawk-Reader's Digest Book Illustration (1988) Common Nighthawk;Chordeiles minor,male
16 x 19
Watercolor on paper
Northern Oriole-Nature Conservancy Stamp (1986) Northern Oriole;Icterus galbula
16 x 12
Acrylic on Gesso Panel
Sage Cocks Fighting (1985) Greater Sage Grouse;Centrocercus urophasianus
22 x 30
Pastel on Paper
Dawn Dancers: Malheur (1981) Greater Sage Grouse
40 x 60
Oil on Linen
Alder Owl (1992) Northern Pygmy Owl;Glaucidium gnoma
7 x 10
Ruffed Grouse Displaying at Nest (1976) Ruffed Grouse Displaying at Nest
18 x 13
egg tempera
Violet Green Swallows:Willamette Valley (2000) Flying Violet-green Swallows;Tachycineta thalassina
28 x 34
Oil on Linen
Spirits of the Jemez: Redtail Hawk and Ravens (2000) Redtail Hawk and Common Raven in New Mexico
24 x 16
Acrylic on gesso panel
Original Available Ltd. Edition Available Pledge Amt: 5%
to International Crane Foundation
Illustration:Black-throated Green Warblers (2007) Black-throated Green Warblers
11 x 14
Watercolor on Whatman Paper
Original Available Pledge Amt: 5%
to International Crane Foundation
Illustration:California Quail m&f (2007) California Quail M&F; Callipepla californica
14 x 11
Watercolor on Whatman Paper
Original Available Pledge Amt: 5%
to International Crane Foundation
Illustration: Yellow-headed Blackbirds (2007) Yellow-headed Blackbirds M&F
11 x 14
Watercolor on Whatman Paper
Original Available Pledge Amt: 5%
to International Crane Foundation
Belted kigfishers (2007) Belted Kingfishers M&F
11 x 14
Watercolor on Whatman Paper
Original Available Pledge Amt: 5%
to International Crane Foundation
Illustration: Violet-green Swallows (2007) Violet-green Swallows
11 x 10
Black Tern At Nest:Reader's Digest Book Illustration (1989) Black Tern-Chlidonias niger
20 x 20
Watercolor on Paper
Original Available Ltd. Edition Available Pledge Amt: 5%
to International Crane Foundation
Franklin's Gull: Reader's Digest Book Illustration (1989) Francklin's Gull; Larus pipixan
20 x 20
Watercolor on Paper
Original Available Pledge Amt: 5%
to International Crane Foundation
Singing Scarlet Tanager (2007) Scarlet Tanager male singing/ flowering Dogwood
11 x 14
Watercolor on Whatman Paper
Great-tailed Grackles (2007)
11 x 14
Watercolor on Whatman Paper
Praire Warblers (2007) Praire Warblers; Dendroica discolor
14 x 11
Watercolor on Whatman Paper
Original Available Pledge Amt: 5%
to International Crane Foundation
Blue-winged Warblers (2007) Blue-winged Warbler; Vermivora pinus
11 x 14
Watercolor on Whatman Paper
Original Available Pledge Amt: 5%
to International Crane Foundation
Yellow-breasted Chat (2007) Yellow-breasted Chat; Icteria virens
11 x 14
Watercolor on Whatman Paper
Original Available Pledge Amt: 5%
to International Crane Foundation