Peter Gray - African Wildlife Paintings

Peter Gray
Peter Gray
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Peter GrayPeter Clinton Gray  
African Wildlife Paintings
Peter Gray Peter Gray
Peter Gray

Peter Gray

Peter Gray is a multi-award winning artist.

He was born in Zimbabwe in 1950 and sold his first artwork when he was 12 years old. Living near the Hwange National Park and a stone’s throw from the Matobo Hills National Park, Peter grew up with a passion for these wilderness areas that became the nurturing ground for his career as an artist.

"The home my father purchased in 1947 was an old farm house in a bush area that later became a suburb of Bulawayo. The vegetable garden was raided regularly by kudu, bushbuck and other creatures and I remember my mother and the staff running around defending the crops from these opportunists. The Great Matobo Nature Reserve was literally on our doorstep. The Hwange National Park and The Zambezi were just a few hours up the road to the north - these areas and others became our play ground. Over the years I have had the unique privilege of meeting and experiencing the wilderness with truly remarkable bushmen, hunters, conservationists and researchers, many of them becoming good friends. The task of maintaining the wildlife areas - fencing, borehole pumps, drought relief, poaching, hunting and the challenges attached to all these activities have been a point of conversation, conservation, convention and contention for many years. Great effort, time, resources and energy have been put into these important issues by some enlightened, inspired government agencies and usually self sacrificing, dedicated people who have a passion for life. Sadly, despite these efforts, the wilderness areas of our planet continues to diminish and huge pressures, unanswered questions and failed strategies continue to loom, placing a question mark on the future of many already threatened species. The arts in general and especially the visual arts are an important communicator of these issues."


Latest Artwork
Resting Goose - Embden goose by Peter Gray (2) Click to view a larger image. Resting Goose  (2011)
Embden goose
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Original Available
Ltd. Edition Available
Sleeping Goose - Embden Goose by Peter Gray (2) Click to view a larger image. Sleeping Goose  (2011)
Embden Goose
0 x 0

Original Available
Ltd. Edition Available
Peter Gray
Direct Correspondence to:Peter Gray
Peter Gray

Cape Town, Western Cape
South Africa 
Tel: +27 21 7892250
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Peter Gray
All rights reserved. All images and text © Copyright 2025 Peter Gray - Member of the Artists for Conservation Foundation (Formerly the Worldwide Nature Artists Group) This site represents the original artwork
(nature art and wildlife art) of nature artist and wildlife artist
of Peter Gray and is protected by international copyright laws.
Use of nature art, wildlife art or any other images or text from this site, requires permission in writing from Peter Gray ().

This site is part of the Artists for Conservation (AFC) Web site. (Wildlife Art - Nature Art - Conservation) Artists for Conservation is an international, non-profit organization dedicated to nature art, wildlife art and conservation. On this site you will find world-class nature art and wildlife art by today's leading nature artists & wildlife artists. The AFC site is the Web's premier location for nature art, wildlife artists All content appearing in pages featuring Peter Gray is the sole responsibility of Peter Gray. The opinions expressed on these artists' pages are those of Peter Gray and do not necessarily reflect those of the Artists for Conservation Foundationi (AFC).